We are with the editors GeoInform magazine went to the amazing city of Batumi, located on the Black Sea coast, to meet Lashei Seferteladze, CEO and chief lawyer of a law firm OTHNIEL. This experienced lawyer, who graduated from Harvard University, was able to create his own law firm, which has become an unrivaled leader in providing legal support to businesses in Batumi. However, to understand why OTHNIEL stands at the pinnacle of success, we had to figure out what makes this company so special.
Batumi – жемчужина Черного моря и главный офис юридической компании OTHNIEL
Batumi – это жемчужина Грузии, привлекающая туристов своими красивыми пляжами и архитектурой. В этом уникальном городе, омываемом морским бризом, мы обнаружили шикарный офис OTHNIEL.
The room overlooking the sea, decorated with excellent taste, immediately captures the attention of visitors. Once here, we realized that this is an ideal place for clients who want to receive professional legal assistance.
Встреча с Лашей Сефертеладзе – главный юрист компании OTHNIEL

After a warm welcome in the luxurious office, we met Lashei Seferteladze (CEO and chief lawyer of a law firm OTHNIEL), whose legal career leaves behind impressive memories. He sensitively shared his experience studying at Harvard University, which gave him unique knowledge and insights in the field of international business and corporate law.
Welcome to the office OTHNIEL. We strive to provide clients with first-class legal assistance and support in Batumi. Business law in Georgia has its own characteristics, and our team has deep knowledge and experience in this area. We help companies reduce costs and minimize risks by providing them with high-quality legal support.
Lasha Seferteladze – CEO юридической компании OTHNIEL
Safe purchase of real estate in Batumi with OTHNIEL
Company OTHNIEL also provides valuable support to clients who are planning to buy property in Batumi. The real estate market can be challenging and risky for investors, especially foreigners. However, thanks to a deep understanding of local market conditions and legislation, OTHNIEL provides its clients with professional expertise in the field of real estate:
1. Audit of developers in Batumi and risk assessment
Purchasing real estate in facilities under construction poses certain risks. However, OTHNIEL offers its clients audits of developers and risk assessments to ensure a safe purchase. Their experienced lawyers analyze the legal and financial aspects of developers and projects, providing clients with an objective assessment and advice before committing to a transaction.
2. Presence of a lawyer in real estate transactions in Batumi
Покупка недвижимости – это серьезная сделка, которую требуется проводить тщательно и в соответствии с законом. OTHNIEL offers its expert support and presence at all stages of the transaction to guarantee the safety and legal protection of clients in the process of purchasing real estate in Batumi.
3. Drawing up contracts for the sale and purchase of apartments, apartments, townhouses in Batumi
To ensure flawless execution of real estate transactions, OTHNIEL lawyers are engaged in drawing up contracts for the sale of apartments, apartments and townhouses in Batumi. The company ensures legal transparency and reliability in the transaction process, guaranteeing the protection of the interests of its clients.
Legal outsourcing OTHNIEL in Batumi
Benefits OTHNIEL является их способность предоставлять полный спектр услуг для бизнеса. Они гордятся своей способностью оказывать не только юридическую поддержку, но и полное бухгалтерское сопровождение любого предприятия – юридический аутсорсинг в Батуми. Это особенно важно для иностранных компаний, которые хотят развивать свой бизнес в Грузии, но сталкиваются с особенностями местного законодательства и налогообложения.
Our law firm provides comprehensive services for businesses. We understand that successful business requires not only legal assistance, but also competent accounting support. We strive to make our customers' lives easier by providing them with everything they need in one place.
Lasha Seferteladze – CEO юридической компании OTHNIEL
Tax lawyer in Batumi and tax legislation
One of the key areas in which OTHNIEL stands out is tax law. Taxation in Georgia has its own peculiarities, and navigating this complex system requires knowledge tax lawyer. Lasha Seferteladze and his team of tax specialists in OTHNIEL have extensive experience and deep knowledge of Georgian tax legislation. They provide clients with professional tax advice and help develop optimal strategies to reduce tax liabilities and maximize business benefits. Thanks to his deep understanding of tax laws and nuances, OTHNIEL provides legal support that allows clients to effectively manage their tax obligations and avoid potential tax problems.
Resolution of tax disputes and challenging the actions of the Batumi tax office
In addition to tax advice, the law firm OTHNIEL also provides tax dispute resolution services. In case of disagreements with tax authorities or misunderstanding of tax provisions, experienced lawyers OTHNIEL ready to represent clients' interests in tax disputes and appeals. With their help, companies can effectively protect their rights and avoid possible financial and reputational risks associated with tax claims.
OTHNIEL also provides services to challenge incorrect tax decisions and tax audits to ensure fair and legal taxation for its clients.
Tax and financial audit in Batumi
The main point for business in Georgia is correct taxation and financial planning. OTHNIEL provides tax consulting services and tax audit in Batumi, helping companies effectively manage tax obligations and comply with local tax regulations. Financial audit conducted by experts OTHNIEL, allows businesses to evaluate their financial performance, identify weaknesses and develop strategies to improve company efficiency and growth.
Налогообложение и финансовое планирование – важные аспекты успешного бизнеса. Наша команда специалистов по налогам и финансам готова помочь нашим клиентам в этих вопросах, чтобы обеспечить устойчивый рост и развитие их компании.
Lasha Seferteladze – CEO юридической компании OTHNIEL
Successful cases in civil law
OTHNIEL is also famous for its significant successes in the field of civil law in Batumi. The company represents clients in a variety of civil matters, including contract disputes, family and probate matters, protection of intellectual property rights and other civil disputes.
Combination of high qualifications civil lawyer in Batumi and understanding customer needs allows OTHNIEL effectively and successfully protect the rights and interests of their clients in civil proceedings. Their professional and thorough approach to each case allows them to achieve positive results and client satisfaction in a variety of civil disputes.
Criminal law and complex criminal cases in Batumi
Along with successful cases in the field of corporate and civil law, OTHNIEL also deals with criminal cases and provides support to clients in difficult situations. The firm's team of experienced lawyers demonstrate skill and professionalism in representing clients facing criminal charges or violations.
Thanks to a deep understanding of Georgian criminal legislation and a strategic approach, OTHNIEL helps its clients ensure a fair trial and protect their rights in court with the help of its criminal lawyers and lawyers.
Support in obtaining business licenses in Georgia
OTHNIEL provides its clients with comprehensive support in obtaining various business licenses in Georgia. The country provides numerous business opportunities, and proper licensing is an important aspect of the successful start and development of a business. With a deep understanding of Georgian legislation and procedures, the legal team OTHNIEL helps clients obtain all the necessary licenses to start and conduct business in various industries.
Example: Assistance in obtaining a license for gambling activities in Georgia
One of the difficult areas in which OTHNIEL demonstrates outstanding knowledge is to obtain a gambling license. The company provides its clients with all the necessary knowledge to successfully complete the licensing process and obtain a license to conduct gambling in Georgia. This process can be complex and require strict legal compliance, and OTHNIEL ensures that clients fully comply with all requirements, which allows them to successfully carry out their gambling activities.
Thanks to expert support OTHNIEL, clients can be confident that their business will operate legally and comply with all rules and regulations set by Georgian regulatory authorities.
Conclusion: After our visit to the office law firm OTHNIEL in Batumi, we made sure that Lasha Seferteladze and his team provide the best legal support for businesses in Batumi. Their experience and professionalism allow clients to reduce costs and minimize risks, as well as receive high-quality tax and financial advice. If you are looking for a reliable lawyer in Batumi, OTHNIEL – это лучший выбор для вас и вашего бизнеса.