Right now, a migration conflict between the US federal authorities and the state of Texas is flaring up. Texas has officially refused to comply with the White House's demands to remove the wire on the border with Mexico.
Губернатор штата Техас Эббота заявил: “Texas will not comply”.
Kentucky's attorney general has come out in support of Texas Gov. Abbott, saying he supports Texas' right to self-defense and opposes President Biden's domestic policies.
Abbott used the term to refer to Biden “lawless president”:
“Джеймс Мэдисон, Александр Гамильтон и другие дальновидные лидеры, разработавшие Конституцию США, приняли во внимание, что Соединенные Штаты не должны находиться во власти президентов-беспредельщиков, которые ничего не сделали, чтобы остановить иностранные угрозы, такие как картели, которые переправляют миллионы нелегальных иммигрантов через границу” said Texas Governor Abbott.
Сенатор от Техаса Тед Круз сказал, что Джо Байден бросает вызов федеральному закону, позволяя 9,6 миллионам нелегалов проникать через границу. “Если федеральное правительство не примет меры, у Техаса будет конституционное право защитить себя”, – заявил он.

Border crisis grips Texas
Florida and Oklahoma have expressed their willingness to send their military to secure the border with Mexico. Sen. Ron DeSantis of Florida supported a bill to expand the powers of the National Guard and provide relief to Texas.
The Biden administration's ultimatum has expired, leaving the next step up to the White House.
Texas is in the throes of a border crisis. Local Governor Greg Abbott has taken control of the border with Mexico, refusing to hand over control to federal authorities. Over the past month, 225 thousand people crossed the border, setting a record since 2000.
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The Texas National Guard and military have installed razor wire along the border despite a court order to remove it. Texas Governor Asserts Legislative Border Control Authority.
Governors of 25 US states signed a petition in support of Texas
25 governors signed the petition in support of Texas, including Florida, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and others.
Federal authorities have accused Texas of “demonization of migrants” and “politicization of the issue”. Администрация Байдена выдвинула ультиматум Техасу, требуя передачи контроля границы в течение 24 часов. Генеральный прокурор Техаса обвинил администрацию Байдена в сговоре с мексиканскими наркокартелями.
Texas Governor Abbott activated Article 1 of Section 10, Paragraph 3 of the US Constitution, allowing the declaration of martial law in the state. Elon Musk and other politicians supported Texas in its actions.
“Texas will continue to expand border barriers”
“Texas will continue to expand border barriers”, – he said.
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According to Abbotta, Texas is under immigrant occupation and Biden is disobeying the law:
“Президент стимулирует приток мигрантов не только в Техас, но также Аризону, Калифорнию, и даже канадскую границу. Поэтому мы будем охранять границу, поскольку у нас нет президента, который бы выполнял законы США. “На данный момент около 10 штатов направили Национальную гвардию или другие силы правопорядка. Теперь они объединились с нами, и это борьба за будущее Америки” – said Texas Governor Abbott.
Trump also expressed solidarity with Texas
Trump also expressed solidarity with Texas, calling on other states to deploy forces to prevent illegal immigration.
The border crisis is influencing Republican decisions about helping Ukraine counter Russia's war of aggression by requiring funding to be tied to border control. The length of the crisis is delaying new aid.
General information about Texas:
- Texas is the most armed state in the US. Texas residents own the most civilian guns per capita in the United States. Texas gun laws are very liberal, which helps citizens arm themselves to protect their property and Texas as a whole.
- Texas – lone star state. And that's not just because the Texas flag features one five-pointed star on a blue background. But also because Texas was not an independent state for long and the people of Texas are very patriotic and devoted to their home. Even Texas' power grids are not connected to all of the US power grids, and electricity is generated and consumed only in Texas.
- Texas is true forever. Texas always votes Republican in all US elections.
- Most Texas residents live in homesteads. Many Texans live on ranches and do not like interference in their privacy and their property and guard it jealously.